What is the shortest distance between Manila and Singapore?
We recently found out the answer to this one when we had a shoot in Singapore for this couple’s save-the-date video. It is not expressed in kilometers or nautical miles. The shortest distance between these two places can be measured by how close Ched’s and Che’s hearts are. And I say, based on what we have seen, very close.
Planes, flowers, Internet – these are the staples to Ched’s and Che’s relationship. For every monthsary they celebrated, Ched in Singapore would send four dozens of flowers to Che in Manila, always accompanied with his personal note in a card. Ched did this consistently for 11 months, until he outdid himself on the 12th month. The 12th card read, “Will you marry me? Will you be my wife and share the rest of your life with me?” And that was more than enough to seal the deal.
Congratulations on your engagement! Counting the days till 2.28.2012!