DAVID and EEYAH Same Day Edit

Ceremony: Kawayan Cove Nasugbu
Reception: Samsara Vacation House
Photography: Bryan Venancio Photography
Gown: Claiza Bihasa
Coordination: A Magical Event by Marj Dizon
Flowers: Flowers Unlimited Tagaytay

On a wonderful sunny day, over a cliff in majestic Kawayan Cove, where the sky, the sea and land seems to converge as one, David and Eeyah took their marriage vows and became husband and wife. The Park at Meditation Point was designed to bring people closer to God. It was a perfect place to celebrate holy matrimony where man and woman becomes one with God.

In a marriage there are always three parties: the husband, the wife and God. All three are needed for a happy and stable married life like a three-legged stool. David has put it aptly that “the most important reason that a man and a woman are to marry is to bring glory to God.

”Our earnest wish is for you to have a blessed married life and that you are true to your promise to become the best version of yourselves. Congratulations, David and Eeyah!

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